
Gunnar Wolf <gw...@gwolf.org> writes:

> Richard Darst dijo [Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 10:23:56AM -0400]:
>> FWIW, I haven't been too active but I have been paying attention.
>> Local team has well done their due, listened to disadvantages
>> presented, and at least I agree now that an association is a
>> reasonable thing to do.  Hopefully other people from the team can
>> weigh in on if that was decided or not.
>> Aside for local team: will you be wanting non-swiss sponsors to pay
>> directly to dc13 organization, or go through SPI/FFIS/other
>> organizations like usual?  (... related tax, financial
>> implications...)
> I will basically AOL richard on this - From what I have read on this
> thread, and from what we have already discussed about the topic
> elsewhere, I stand behind what seems to be the consensus of the Swiss
> integrants of our team. Even if it sounds backwards to me to form a
> new association given we already have one in the same geographic area,
> we have often followed the local country's customs for administrative
> issues. 
> The recommendation to establish a DC13 association does not sound in
> any way improvised; it has been well thought-out and defended. The
> specifics on whether it should be an AG or a Gmbh seem (to me) also
> quite settled on an AG.
> Although, yes, listening to Stefano's reccomendations (and Marc's
> answer), we should make sure it's as clear as possible that this
> organization should not live forever (i.e. be limited in its bylaws
> that its sole purpose is to organize DC13 on August 2013, finish off
> its pending items, and disappear in a puff of good accounting).

Just as a short update. During the last meeting last Wednesday we
decided to create the "DebConf 13 Association". The bylwas we agreed
upon will be commited to the debconf-data repository soon. We will also
post complete minutes to the list as soon as they are ready.


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