On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 02:21:54PM +0200, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> Le vendredi, 31 août 2012 13.28:06, Daniel Pocock a écrit :
> > On the issue of (a) leftover money and (b) membership, this is where a
> > limited company may be more appropriate, e.g DC13 GmbH or DC13 AG?
> No. Clearly not. In Switzerland, an association is the correct form of 
> organisation to handle a benevolent-based event. Point.

I agree.

>From the experience of how things are done in Switzerland usually,
using a short-lived[1] association is the best thing to do
when organizing such events.

As was mentionned earlier, the important thing is to limit the
member's financial binding to the yearly fee (cotisation), and
to ensure that in case of dissolution, the remaining assets
go debian.ch.

The members can be individuals, associations (with an appointed
representative), or both.  When carefully crafted, you can make
sure that the association's statutes won't be changed unless
debian.ch and an international representative agree.

[1] not necessarily mentionned in the statutes: what can be mentionned
    is that the sole purpose is to organise DebConf2013.

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