Moray Allan dijo [Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 11:00:42AM +0100]:
> (...)
> Prices will often have gone up since the questions were asked, so
> whatever we do at this stage will tend to help people who inflated their
> initial answers more than those who tried to list a minimum price.  In a
> future improved system this issue could be reduced by starting much
> earlier (as previously discussed), but might it also be worth
> implementing the system with some allowance for individuals to get
> permission to increase the requirements (up to some percentage?) after
> being granted sponsorship?

As every year, I doubt we will ever¹ reach a perfect system for
expressing who needs to be rated higher and when to communicate the
decision. In order to plan with >3 months time sponsorship allocation,
so that people can count on a ticket to stay at the level it was
quoted, we need a funds acquisition logistics quite far from our
current reach.

While I recognize many people see a big failure point our way of
handling travel sponsorship, I sincerely cannot imagine a realistic
way to improve it much. Yes, we have done several improvements over
the years, and I hope to keep making small steps for the better, but
sorry - Answering in what I'd consider to be a nice timeframe is
outside our possibilities.

¹ Unless we reach a "100% funding for everything and everybody" status
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