On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 03:54:58PM +0200, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:

> That's not my understanding. For that we would need about 26k$ if we
> reduce all requests above 500$ by 20% and about 32k$ if we want to grant
> the full requested amount. That is to grant all the request of those
> that got a rating above 18 on a scale of -100 to 100. Or about 2/3 of
> the requests. IMHO that's the maximum we want to spend. Clearly there is
> not that much money available at the moment.
> The 18k come from my understanding of an earlier mail thread that it's
> OK to calculate with using all the dc11 surplus now, because this is just
> a worst case scenario and we are quite sure that we will get more
> money. At that time my interpretation of the current budget was that
> this leaves us with 18k for travel sponsoring.

Oh, ok.  That makes things a bit more complicated.  Moving up a little
farther in the rankings to make a cutoff, and it's not too hard to get
to 18-20k$ to cover up to only a slightly higher bar (mainly because
some very expensive requests are ranked low).  I might have suggested
a higher amount had I known.

However, you are the ones who really know, I am just guessing from an
old and incomplete list.

Let me modify what I said before: we could go higher, 20-25k$, and be
in line with what we have done past years with including the previous
surplus as part of the budget (which happens to maintain the
surplus for next year).

If every year, we don't include the surplus, it will grow and grow,
which I don't think is our goal.

- Richard

(heh, I got the budget things in the wrong categories in the last
email.  I guess that's what happens when I am writing things as the
sun is coming up, sorry about that.)

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 1060 days, 15:29
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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