
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 06:23:10PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> martin f krafft dijo [Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 08:44:33PM +0200]:

> > "Secondary" sends a clear message. An alternative might be e.g.
> > "blue" and "green" (or "yellow" and "red" or whatever), or if
> > possible, the division between e.g. "technical" and "social".
> The difference is not technical versus social, but the result of the
> rating done by the academic/talks committee. There will be
> official/featured/main talks of both natures.

I'm beginning to wonder what the difference between these really
is... as far as I can see, the biggest thing is the color of the
events in the public Penta schedule, which roughly correlates to what
is most useful to hear presented, from a Debian standpoint.

Videoing is independent of official/unofficial, and only depends on
what room it's in and if it's scheduled in advanced.  And there are
plenty of unofficial events scheduled even at this point.

However, travel sponsorship nominally depends a bit on

I noticed that the weirdness of the GPG keysigning being non-official,
and the wine and cheese party being official.  It seems to me that all
social events in Penta are "official" to a degree, unofficial social
events just don't really get submitted or scheduled (they just
happen). Having a different color for these "fun" or "non-technical"
events would be helpful.

> If I understood correctly, the idea for a "social track" would be to
> clearly identify things which are not presentations - Formal dinner,
> daytrip, group photo, Mao lessons, etc.


I was talking to Jimmy today, and we had the interesting idea to have
all talks submitted to at "Talks" category (with a better name?).  And
then we select the top ones and move it to "Featured Talks".  This
saves people trying to decide what to submit it to and means we only
have to adjust the category of the top talks we want.  It would
hopefully keep things organized.

So two proposals are (names of categories still subject to debate):

(maintain current workflow)
- DebCamp (official/unofficial doesn't matter for camp)
- Open Day (or whatever it's called that year)
- Featured DebConf Talks
- Secondary DebConf Talks
- Social Events

(and new workflow)
- same as above, but "Secondary Talks" --> "Talks" and make it the
default submission category

What do you all think?  (I notice this is on the agenda for the
meeting next monday.)

I'd think (at a +2 level) that the talk committee should take strong
initiative in reclassifying talks in the category most suitable for

Anyway, I don't want to overthink this... oh, wait, oops...

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  lefschetz: up 147 days, 4:11
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