On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 01:07:20PM -0400, Richard Darst wrote:
> I hope that you get the idea that the DC10 people really want to
> improve lots of things like this.

Yes, I do for sure.
> Andreas - since you're so involved with the committee + scheduling, I
> think your opinion would have a lot of weight.  If you think of a good
> system sometime, do let us know and we can make it happen.  It doesn't
> have to be right now, but if you do...

The idea is as I tried to sketch in my last mail: Stop sorting the
talks into two groups where we are unable to find proper names for.
Well, OK, it might be that we *really* have to reject a talk if we
find out that a speaker should no hold the event for whatever reason.
Just make the rating number visible for everybody and advise the
sponsoring team to work down the list top down until money pool is
empty (or a certain limit is reached).  IMHO this is simple and
transparent and as long I have not overlooked something I think we
should apply this.
> Of course, (I/we)'ll still keep thinking of the best, most sensible
> systems and names, too.

Last year I had a name finding discussion and I learned that it has
a very high bike shedding potential.  I'm also there does not exist
such a thing like a best / sensible name - there are always people
involved who just have a different background and will understand things
differently than it was intended.

> I completely understand.  I hope I've convinced you that we'll do
> enough to make you *want* to keep helping out.

Well, sure.  I also did not intend to extort anybody to keep me
in the crew which might be not the case for other reasons because
I did not finally decided whether I will attend DC 10  at all (for
different reasons).  It might turn out that somebody else is way
better than me in explaining the concept we are currently using and
I'm just not the optimal person doing this job.  Please don't
interpret my words as an 'angry overworked' scheduler rather as
somebody who might gave realised that perhaps other jobs fit
> In a broader sense, we'd like lots more people to feel motivated to
> help out, too.


Kind regards


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