
On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 08:48:37AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:53:24PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> > > I'm not completely happy with any of the proposals (including mine).
> > 
> > Neither :-/
> Seems to be hard to really find a clue to name levels.
> > Possibly we should just do away with the levels for next
> > year?
> IMHO a *solution* will not be found this year.  The problem is: If we
> move the decision to next year we will remember this problem which comes
> up every year also when it is late.  So we should put a decision what
> to do onto this years agenda to have a ready solution *before* we start
> with the old habit next year.


I hope that you get the idea that the DC10 people really want to
improve lots of things like this.

Andreas - since you're so involved with the committee + scheduling, I
think your opinion would have a lot of weight.  If you think of a good
system sometime, do let us know and we can make it happen.  It doesn't
have to be right now, but if you do...

Of course, (I/we)'ll still keep thinking of the best, most sensible
systems and names, too.

> To make clear how honest I'm about this: I refuse trying to explain this
> concept I did not really understood myself to anybody who might ask.
> Beeing a member in the talk committee and schedule team always puts
> me in a situation to explain this.  So I refuse to work in these teams
> if this concept will not be changed next year.  (Even if this sounds
> harsh, this is not intended to be harsh - I just want to express how
> serious I take this issue.  It was and is fun to work in these teams.)

I completely understand.  I hope I've convinced you that we'll do
enough to make you *want* to keep helping out.

In a broader sense, we'd like lots more people to feel motivated to
help out, too.

See also "General DebConf Stuff" under

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  lefschetz: up 148 days, 14:18
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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