Richard Darst dijo [Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 01:56:48PM -0400]:
> I'd say that Open Day selection people should also be able to mark
> things as "official", then.
> As a side note, I noticed how all of {"advertisement" via in published
> proceedings/printed schedule, video recording, travel sponsorship} are
> all coupled by being called "official".  For some Open Day talks we'd
> probably want to include them in official schedule, etc, since we want
> people to know what is coming, but perhaps not record/provide travel
> sponsorship to hear them.
> (I thought the same was true of some other talks, too, but as I'm sort
> of an outsider this may already be how it works.)

DebianDay talks should definitively be considered official. Of course,
we might still (time/space allowing) have unofficial events during
DebianDay - But whatever is officially scheduled and
advertised... should just be as official as any other DebConf talk.

Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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