On Wed, 2009-06-03 at 10:17 +0200, Andreas Tille wrote: 
> On Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 11:18:04PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> > DebianDay talks should definitively be considered official. Of course,
> I agree here and wonder whether we should rerate these candidates
> which might have been off the official DebConf programm.

Yes, probably so.

FWIW, let me offer a few of my personal thoughts on DebianDay.

DebianDay talks should be more 'planned' and/or 'structured' than the
rest of Debconf needs to be.  For Debconf, it's completely ok for there
to be talks on many different semi-random topics of interest to DDs
sprinkled throughout the event.  But for DebianDay, we need to
consciously address a broader audience with a more intentional message
about Debian.

For example, last year I offered to kick off DebianDay with one of my
"history and governance of the project" talks...  This was largely
because I thought it was so unfortunate that in previous years we got
part-way through the day and people were still asking basic "new to
Debian" questions because we didn't give them any context about Debian
before jumping in to fairly specialized talks!  I don't know how well
this really worked, though?

It all depends on what we're really trying to accomplish with DebianDay,
of course, but to my way of thinking, a great plan for the day might
include a sequence like:

  - a talk providing context and background on the Debian project
  - presentations about successful use cases for Debian
  - talks on current topics/directions in Debian of broad interest
  - talks on how to join/help Debian

I personally think DebianDay is a great time for the program to be
single-tracked, avoiding parallel sessions.  It would be good if at
least some of the talks are in whatever the native language is, but
talks of high quality from competent speakers may be more important for
leaving a positive impression with local people new to Debian than
native language?  I honestly don't know.


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