
I'm not in the talks committee, so I felt it was not my place to do
the actual selection, but I went through the talks list and selected
those that I thought were best suited for Open Day, here's a list with
event id and title:

382 - QEMU for Debian Developers
371 - immunity: securing untrusted processes
412 - Debian on Network Storage Devices and Other Devices
452 - Let's get the penguin some rest
398 - Debian and the Openmoko FreeRunner: one year later

Already filed as "DebianDay":

460 - LiMux in Munich
373 - Free Beer, Power and Knowledge
467 - Understanding Debian (in Spanish)

Apart from this, I've seen a number of "rejected" talks which were
marked "DebConf Unofficial"... Why were they rejected?

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