John Terpstra ( wrote:
> Unfortunately, our internal infrastructure makes use of DevTool to
> build and test CB1.x - if we make the changes Adam suggests will
> take only 60 sec, it will take several engineers from our team to
> update/change/fix the DevTool

No it won't.  There's only one thing which needs to be changed (./dev
switch), and I will happily do that myself.

> - and all the Jenkins build systems we use, and will impose a load
>   on our QA team that we do not have resources to handle.

Sorry, but I strongly disagree.  Once ./dev switch knows to switch the
branch in the main repo (which I am offering to teach it, free of
charge), there would be *zero* impact for your Jenkins systems and QA

> By splitting off the CB2.0 code into a new repo, we have zero impact
> on the CB1.x tree upon which we will remain dependent for a number
> of years into the future.  We do not want to impact any
> responsibilities we have to meet change and build requirements in
> the CB1.x code base.  Having CB2.0 code totally separate from CB1.x
> means that we all have a green field to work from.

... and that is *precisely* what branches offer.  Total independence
and separation, without creating any of the numerous still unsolved
problems which a new organisation introduces.  We have been using
branches for all the barclamps for a long time, and it works great.

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