-----Original Message-----
From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Vincent Untz
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 4:32 AM

Ø  What's really worrying to me, though, is that your suggestion might lead to 
a split in the community. Our community is not that big, and I don't think we 
can afford it.

I've been collecting feedback 1x1 for the last 6 weeks that the Crowbar layout 
is way too confusing and difficult join.

While CB1 clearly will be sustained for a while and has active development, the 
CB2 release is the path forward.   Both foundationally (Rails 3, Chef 11, etc) 
and also culturally (uses upstream cookbooks & multiple CMDB engines).

My goal is not to split the community make it possible for it to grow.  The 
feedback I've gotten from many interested parties is that the current structure 
is simply too confusing.

I was initially opposed to this approach but could not find any way to address 
these long standing structural concerns.  Consequently I tested this suggestion 
on many people and when I discuss this change with n00bs, they seem very 

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