Hi Rob,

Your mail seems to indicate that Crowbar 1.x has reached the end of its
life. This makes me really sad: I think we're proving this view is wrong
on a daily basis, as you can see with the amount of changes going in
Crowbar 1.x. I dare to say that its development has never been so fast,
and we're improving it in an iterative way.

Also, I can only repeat one more time that I totally fail to understand
the reasons to move to another github org. You're mentioning that
without this, it would "require substantial investment in Crowbar 1
infrastructure, to update and test". I beg to disagree here. It's only a
matter of creating branches in the toplevel crowbar repo. Can you
clarify what is substantial in doing that? It doesn't even have to
require huge changes in the ./dev workflow.

What's really worrying to me, though, is that your suggestion might lead
to a split in the community. Our community is not that big, and I don't
think we can afford it.



PS: also +1 on Ralf's comment about "Open Crowbar". We've been working
on the Crowbar project all together -- it's already open!

Le mardi 17 décembre 2013, à 23:22 -0600, rob_hirschf...@dell.com a écrit :
> All,
> So far, we've accomplished more with Crowbar 1 than I imagined possible.  We 
> have led an new generation of bare metal automated installation and set a 
> standard that has been noticed.  More importantly, we've learned critical 
> lessons about the right way to solve these hard problems.  Crowbar 2 (both 
> iterations) are the embodiment of those hard won experiences.  Our experience 
> with Crowbar 1 is driving a disruptive set of changes.
> We've reached a critical point with the Open Crowbar Project where we have a 
> stable refactored base (aka Crowbar 2) for the open source project.  This 
> base was created incrementally inside the current project but reflects a 
> fundamentally different code base.  It's truly a new generation and that 
> means much of our legacy infrastructure is out of date.  Up to this point, 
> we've worked very hard to keep both old and new code bases together and it 
> has added complexity and confusion for both code lines.  We want to preserve 
> the stability of the Crowbar 1 code base, yet the changes we are making to 
> Crowbar 2 pose significant risk of breakage.
> With Crowbar 2, we have an opportunity to reach a broader audience of both 
> users and developers.  Above all other objectives, expanding our community is 
> our top priority because it ensures the relevance and longevity of the 
> project.
> In November, we held a review of the status of the Crowbar 2 project and it 
> became clear that the code is ready for this challenge; however, the code is 
> only a part of what we need to make Crowbar successful.
> To be successful, the Open Crowbar project needs to improve/address the 
> following challenges:
> *         Documentation and materials that are clear and relevant
> *         Build process and tools that are transparent and easy to use
> *         Installation methodologies that align with industry practices
> *         Test (especially automated) coverage that ensures consistent 
> quality and stability
> *         Community governance that encourages collaboration, exposes value 
> that's being created and enables contribution
> *         Consistent and clear version/release management that works for both 
> community and commercial interests
> *         Overall simplification of the project layout and infrastructure to 
> accomplish the above.
> Many of these changes are disruptive and/or would require substantial 
> investment in Crowbar 1 infrastructure, to update and test.  In the absence 
> of engineering resources that are committed to retrospectively retooling the 
> Crowbar 1 code base the only safe solution is to separate the Crowbar 2 code 
> from the current stable code tree.
> There has already been a discussion about this on the list that did not 
> result in a consensus.  At some point, we must make a decision and move 
> forward to accomplish these goals because they are essential to the 
> community's growth.
> Unlike code changes that can be managed in a branch by a small team; these 
> changes are highly visible and structural.  Mostly significantly, we need to 
> eliminate layers of obfuscation that were built up over time.  For this 
> reason, I believe that we need a clean base for this restructuring with the 
> following likely impacts:
> 1)      Separate the Crowbar 1 and 2 documentation and wikis.  They are 
> diverged enough to be confusing when intermingled.  Further CB2 docs are 
> managed differently and already substantially ahead of CB1.
> 2)      Introduce a gated CI build process that can be managed by Gerrit (or 
> similar) - there is a similar but unrelated effort going on for Crowbar 1.
> 3)      Break the "DevTool" functions into parts (or eliminate in places) to 
> improve transparency
> 4)      Consolidate the core Crowbar barclamps into a single new repo (these 
> are the ones active in Crowbar 2 dev)
> 5)      Converge other "workload" barclamps into bundles (such as all of 
> OpenStack together to match the Stack Forge community)
> 6)      Reset our branching/versioning into something predictable and 
> consistent
> 7)      Change the installation paradigm to be more consistent with best 
> practices.  This likely means NOT including all the dependencies into the 
> Crowbar ISO build and relying on the user to supply Internet access or a 
> local repo/mirror.
> These changes are opportunities for use to make it easier for everyone to 
> participate in Crowbar and the current state inhibits our forward progress.  
> We've got a gem in the Crowbar updated code base, now it's time update the 
> infrastructure around it.
> Rob
> ______________________________
> Rob Hirschfeld
> Sr. Distinguished Cloud Solution Architect
> Dell | Cloud Edge, Data Center Solutions
> cell +1 512 909-7219 blog robhirschfeld.com, twitter @zehicle
> Please note, I am based in the CENTRAL (-6) time zone

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