Victor Lowther ( wrote:
> I do not want to go back to having branches in the top-level repo -- I
> strongly prefer that it only hold release-independent (and therefore
> non-branch-needing) things, and pull in other repos that are branched based
> on release.

We agree (as we already did in Austin) that the long term solution is
to split release-dependent and release-independent code into different
repositories.  But this is useless as a short term solution - as has
already been pointed out, there is not spare resource or energy to do
that any time soon.

Fortunately the workaround is ridiculously easy, which is why I have
been proposing it again and again until I am blue in the face:
*immediately* branch the old releases in the main repo.  I estimate I
could do this in about 60 seconds:

    cd ~/crowbar
    for release in pebbles roxy whatever else we care about; do
      git checkout -b release/$release/master
      git push crowbar HEAD

This would allow people who only care about 2.0 to hack away to their
heart's content in the master branch of the main repo, without the
slightest fear of breaking *anything* for the people who care about

Then any release-dependent code can be moved from master to other
repositories at our leisure, with no time pressure, and none of the
awful problems which the lack of branches in the main repo has been
causing for the last ~13 months.

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