Bottom posting:

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Adam Spiers <> wrote:

> Given the phonetic similarity between veewee and kiwi, I strongly
> suspect that the creator of veewee was aware of kiwi before they
> invented veewee.  I'm not familiar with veewee, so I wonder what the
> high-level differences are, other than the obvious: Ruby vs. Perl, and
> the focus on building for VMs.

Veewee was written by Patrick Debois - one of the founders of DevOps days.
He's no small contributor to open source, and our area of involvement.
He's since tweeted for support, and Mitchel of Vagrant fame has engaged to
see if his new should just replace the
Veewee project.  If you're interested in creating virtual machine images,
you should look at Packer.

Judd Maltin
T: 917-882-1270
F: 501-694-7809
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