Move docs into the repo and version with the code.

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 7:24 PM, <> wrote:

> How do we address that CB1 and 2 are so different that the docs can't
> cover both?  This seems very confusing to me.
> If cleanup was simple, why don't we do it?
> FWIW, I'm adding BDD tests that check public doc links.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Adam Spiers []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:25 AM Central Standard Time
> To: crowbar
> Subject: Re: [Crowbar] Crowbar 2 Hack Report
> Judd Maltin ( wrote:
> > Furthermore, since every administrator I talk to asks me "Isn't Crowbar a
> > Dell-only project," I think it's a good idea to embrace the OpenCrowbar
> > project name.. much as SUSE is recognized by OpenSUSE, even in the press
> >
> I don't think the word "Crowbar" is to blame for this perception.
> Whether we call it "Crowbar", "OpenCrowbar", or something else, whilst
> there are really only two companies regularly contributing, the
> perception will remain.  If there were tens of companies (or
> individuals outside SUSE/Dell) contributing, the perception would
> rapidly change.
> Bluntly, the root cause is a failure to grow the community.  And this
> can only be fixed by addressing crucial components such as the website
> and documentation, which would make it easy for people to join the
> community.
> > Finally, there is so much documentation debt in the wiki, I'd be very
> happy
> > to just cut it loose.
> I don't understand this either.  There isn't that much debt.  It's
> actually pretty damn easy to delete old stuff; the problem is that
> noone ever does.  I reckon a day-long docs hackathon could make huge
> inroads.
> And by "cut loose" you mean delete all the existing docs, or leave
> them to rot in the old github organization?  If the former, we face
> the monumental task of rewriting docs from scratch, which is very
> unlikely to succeed given that so far we failed in the considerably
> smaller task of maintaining the existing docs.  If the latter, then
> they will just continue to cause confusion.
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