On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 6:33 AM, Adam Spiers <aspi...@suse.com> wrote:

> Sascha Peilicke (speili...@suse.com) wrote:
> > I would also wonder why we append
> > /master to every branch :-) Why not just "release/roxy" ? Or better
> > "stable/roxy" which seems like a more common pattern in the git world.
> Because the original pre-flattened branching model included product
> info ("openstack-os-build" etc.) in the branch name, and then it got
> partially moved into the releases/ tree in the main repo, leaving
> behind the branch naming scheme.  I believe Victor is working on
> tidying this up, but I don't yet know how that would work:

Having a known suffix at the end of a branch name makes it easier to use
git show-ref in certain use cases, which is why all the release branches
end in master.

>   https://github.com/crowbar/crowbar/pull/1951
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