Hi Darrel,

I've created some shell scripts for crowbar multi-node setups back in the
day https://github.com/iteh/crowbar-virtualbox
Maybe this is starting point for what you want to accomplish.

- Edmund

2013/11/21 Darrel O'Pry <darrel.o...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Adam Spiers <aspi...@suse.com> wrote:
>> Darrel O'Pry (darrel.o...@gmail.com) wrote:
>> > I hear a lot of knee jerk throw everything out and start over
>> undertones. I
>> > don't that that is a wise idea as it  loses history. One of the things I
>> > love about git is history. Also being an agile developer I focus on
>> > continuous improvement and rarely like to start things over.
>> Exactly Darrel!  I understand where the instinct for "let's start
>> afresh" comes from, but really it's only sweeping ugly stuff under the
>> carpet.  And it's not just git history we'd risk losing - it's issue
>> history, wiki history ...
> It also doesn't address the workflow issues that created the current state
> of things...  It's more important to address a possible cause rather than a
> symptom.
> <snip>
>> > 2) On boarding new developers.
> <snip>
>> > Beyond that we go our of our way to make development across platforms
>> easy.
>> > We typically use virtual box and vagrant as a starting point to
>> normalize
>> > everyone's development environment and share the git checkout with the
>> > vagrant.  This way everyone is building on the same build environment.
>>  We
>> > typically share the git checkout from the VM host to the build VM. The
>> > build, run, test within the VM. You just expand the number of vagrants
>> you
>> > use to test on other platforms. I tend toward veewee if I need to build
>> and
>> > track any sort of super custom vagrant base boxes.
>> >
>> Standardising the dev environment is a great idea.  There's still some
>> remaining work to do in order for this to be SUSE-friendly though.
>> Most SUSE-oriented folk prefer KVM to VirtualBox, and last time I
>> looked, vagrant's support for kvm / libvirt still needed work.  This
>> would be well worth completing.  Secondly, building openSUSE-based
>> ISOs is still a work in progress (I worked with John on this last
>> weekend).
> This is a situation where I feel the needs of the project to be accessible
> as a whole, should override the preferences of a few participants.
> VirtualBox is a free cross platform desktop virtualization environment. It
> is available to windows, mac, and linux developers. It is accessible for
> both corporate teams and private hackers. The public shared project should
> focus on the most accessible development tools possible.  Try to cater to
> kvm, vbox, vmware will just add unnecessary complexity to on boarding a new
> developer.
> It's totally doable, but it means that new developers have more decisions
> to make to get started on the project and someone has to spend time
> planning, testing, and maintain support for multiple virtual box providers.
> It means time will be spent debugging whether the problem is the
> virtualization layer or crowbar. Time better spent making crowbar more
> awesome.
> If the team at SUSE or any other team is really insistent on maintaining
> another development environment, they should be welcome to fork and manage
> their own tooling to convert the vboxes to kvm. Alternatively, get involved
> in the vagrant and veewee communities to streamline the generation and
> publishing of consistent virtual machines for multiple virtualization
> providers.
> Even then tools like veewee don't make much sense in a developer's
> workflow. I've tried fitting things like veewee into developer workflows
> with the idea of letting everyone build images from preseed and
> kickstart... Too much time is spent building images and drinking coffee for
> simple package additions.
> The approach our teams use is to build minimal vboxes using veewee. We
> mostly use debian/ubuntu so we switch the tasksel from standard/server to
> minimal to reduce the OS footprint in the VMs. We also remove ruby, chef,
> and puppet to avoid conflicts with whatever we'll be installing. We store
> the veewee definitions in our code repositories so they're tracked with
> code, but we don't require developers to build the vboxes. We build and
> publish them to a private website where our team can access them.  We don't
> do any configuration via veewee except setting up ssh and public key access
> (necessary for vagrant). We also use private keypairs in lieu of the public
> vagrant keys for our private projects.
> All of the dev environment configuration is handled by vagrant
> provisioning shell scripts.. typically config.vm.provision "shell", path:
> "bootstrap.sh".
> There is of course a need to expand on this to build a dev environment for
> a project like crowbar that needs multiple vm for building and needs to
> setup a rather complex testing environment with mutiple vms. The nice thing
> is you can also ship a testing environment with vagrant and the same boxes.
> This makes it possible to
> vagrant up dev
> vagrant up ubuntu12.10-admin
> vagrant up bare-node1
> vagrant up bare-node2
> vagrant up bare-node3
> vagrant up bare-node4
> Which could all be wrapped up in a grunt, make, rake, shell script task...
> There could even have a grunt watcher kicking of environment re-builds and
> test locally on commit. It would probably be wise to expand testing to KVM
> and other virtualization providers and testing stacks...
> When we've helped clients implement deployment and testing of other
> opensource projects in private environments with more rigorous testing and
> QA requirements, We've created  a separate internal deployment repository
> that includes the upstream code as a sub-module and provides the project or
> implementation specific continuous deployment pipeline around the existing
> public project tooling.
> Feel free to reach out directly if anyone wants to implement this stuff.
> I'm glad to help if people are interested in the community can agree on a
> direction, but my time to contribute actual code to open source projects is
> limited by my own consulting practice. We've also been unfortunately lax in
> building model repositories as starting points, and I'm unable to share
> examples of our client work. I do have an interest in testing out tooling
> and workflows in lots of different development environments and settings.
>  Crowbar is a pretty complex case from a continuous deployment perspective
> and the virtual development to bare metal deployment is a an important use
> case to work with.
> > 3) Maintenance
>> >
>> > We use jenkins extensively to review our pull requests. We do a number
>> of
>> > smoke tests including linting to enfoce code style, fxcop/sniffing/etc
>> to
>> > look for common code mistakes, code coverage. We lean heavily on peer
>> > review of pull requests. Our team is distributed and we don't always
>> have
>> > the luxury of pairing, instead we do a code review with each pull
>> request
>> > that includes a developer on the project and a developer from another
>> > project. It serves to cross train, and have someone less familiar with
>> the
>> > project who will not take the knowledge one develops writing and
>> working on
>> > the code for granted.
>> +1.  Of course Crowbar doesn't use Jenkins yet, but it probably could
>> in the future if we reduced the number of git repos and wanted to
>> switch to it (I'm not religious either way - github is good enough for
>> our code reviews IMO).
> We actually use GitHub for everything. Jenkins is pretty easy to integrate
> with GitHub and setup to update your pull requests with testing... We run a
> Jenkins server per GitHub repository in the cloud and run our build agents
> on physical hardware with virtual box and vagrant available so we can do
> all of our unit testing inside the same development environment as the
> developers without having to do a lot of customization in our build farm to
> support projects.
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Edmund Haselwanter
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