In message <>, Rémi Coulom
<> writes
Erik van der Werf wrote:
Hi Remi,
There is a simpler solution: do not allow remote play at all.
I would be in favor of this solution. But this has no chance to make
unanimity. Even with a strong majority in favor of that rule, Jaap
would probably not accept it, anyways.
As for stricter time controls; in principle I'm in favor. However, if
you really want to enforce it we should have a real clock on the table
like they have in the WCCC games. This would of course constitute a
significant change from the usual relaxed (sloppy?) playing
I believe we can still trust participants to count time correctly.
Having to use a real clock is too annoying.
I don't believe it. I have come across a program that got this
seriously wrong. When it received its opponent's move, it then (1)
updated its board state, (2) started its clock running, (3) thought
about where to play. For the first 30 moves or so of a game, step (1)
was imperceptible. By move 200, step (1) was taking it over a minute
per move. This was not cheating, it was just incompetent programming.
I would like to se the time measurement done in the client. I find it
odd that cheat-proof client-side time is now standard for chess servers,
but too difficult for any Go server to implement.
The best solution regarding time control is probably what is done in
the UEC Cup and EGC: connect programs to a server and let the server do
time control.
For a 3-round playoff I would propose that the third game uses komi
bidding (one operator is given the right to choose the komi, and the
other then chooses whether to play Black or White). An alternative is
to play 4 rounds and use board-points as a tie-breaker.
I am strongly against board-points as a tie-breaker. Most MC programs
only optimize probability of winning.
In any case, I think the 9x9-komi should go back to 6.5.
I think it was moved to 7.5 to allow automated play on KGS. I believe
allowing automated play on KGS with a strange komi is better than
having no KGS play and a normal komi.
Nick Wedd
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