On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Rémi Coulom <remi.cou...@univ-lille3.fr> wrote:
> Erik van der Werf wrote:
>> Hi Remi,
>> There is a simpler solution: do not allow remote play at all.
> I would be in favor of this solution. But this has no chance to make
> unanimity. Even with a strong majority in favor of that rule, Jaap would
> probably not accept it, anyways.

Well, we could at least try to convince him.

With a strong majority in favor and a list of all the things that went
wrong in China we at least have a good case.

>> As for stricter time controls; in principle I'm in favor. However, if
>> you really want to enforce it we should have a real clock on the table
>> like they have in the WCCC games. This would of course constitute a
>> significant change from the usual relaxed (sloppy?) playing
>> conditions...
> I believe we can still trust participants to count time correctly. Having to
> use a real clock is too annoying.

The problem is that the time info may simply be inaccessible when the
connection breaks.

> The best solution regarding time control is probably what is done in the UEC
> Cup and EGC: connect programs to a server and let the server do time
> control.

That is indeed a nice solution. What software was used for the UEC
cup? How did they deal with programs that could not connect to the
server; did some play manually?

>> For a 3-round playoff I would propose that the third game uses komi
>> bidding (one operator is given the right to choose the komi, and the
>> other then chooses whether to play Black or White). An alternative is
>> to play 4 rounds and use board-points as a tie-breaker.
> I am strongly against board-points as a tie-breaker. Most MC programs only
> optimize probability of winning.

I don't like it much either; any tie breaker is bad in some sense, but
I still prefer board-points over a coin-toss.

>> In any case, I think the 9x9-komi should go back to 6.5.
> I think it was moved to 7.5 to allow automated play on KGS. I believe
> allowing automated play on KGS with a strange komi is better than having no
> KGS play and a normal komi.

No, I originally proposed it because the official Chinese rules had
switched to 7.5 komi. However, this was for 19x19 games.

Anyway, I don't think the KGS restrictions are a good argument.
Ideally we could persuade wms to have free komi setup under
kgs-chinese rules, but otherwise it is still easy enough to let you
program ignore the gtp-komi setup from kgs.

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