On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 11:47 -0700, Christoph Birk wrote:
>> On Wed, 8 Oct 2008, Don Dailey wrote:
>> > much more common.    There were just a few games that used 6.5 komi
>> > because when I first started CGOS I had set 6.5 by mistake but I think
>> > that was just for a few hours at most.   The vast majority of these are
>> > 7.5 komi games:
>> After all this discussion about komi for 9x9 games, wouldn't you
>> think that using 7.5 was a mistake and go back to 6.5 ?
> Why?

1) In my opinion the first player should have a chance to win even
against the strongest possible opponents.
2) Currently at high levels 7.5 komi appears to give a huge advantage to White.
3) The playable openings for 6.5 komi appear to be more diverse (thus
making the game more interesting).
4) Professionals use 6.5

> 5.5 gives black a huge advantage.

Actually it should be almost the same as for 6.5 (see my previous email).

> The only reason I would favor one over the other
> is if it turned out that in "practical play" the games ended up closer.
> For instance if black won a 53% at 6.5 komi and white wins 51% at 7.5
> komi, I would favor 7.5 because it kept the scores close.

Last week I was told that, with 7.5 komi against itself, Mogo wins
over 60% as White. Also against my own program I have much better
chances when playing White.

As programs become stronger the advantage for one side with fractional
komi will inevitably become totally unbalanced. At some point we will
approach 100% and then I rather have that go to the first player. The
only fair alternative is to use integer komi.

> I believe 6.5 would give black a bigger advantage than 7.5 gives white in 
> "practical play."

This may be true for your CGOS games.

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