On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 23:35 -0300, Mark Boon wrote:
> I'm not sure if it's wise to ignore games lost on time. For a MCTS
> program it makes sense to adjust the time taken for the move based on
> its perceived chance of winning. But that means a program is more
> likely to lose on time because it's losing anyway, and that judgement
> involves the komi.

That's a good point.  I'll only throw out games that ended quickly then.

- Don

> Maybe better to ignore games lost on time before a certain number of
> moves were played, which may indicate a crash.
> Mark
> On 8-okt-08, at 23:22, Don Dailey wrote:
> > I also won't consider games lost on Time for this purpose and I will
> > use
> > 
> > the ELO calculation from Bayeselo, not the current ratings when the
> > 
> > games were played
> > 
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