Vlad Dumitrescu wrote:
> Why throttle the playing strength? Wouldn't be enough to raise the
> threshold where the program resigns?

> Naively put: if all results say the game is lost, switch the
> evaluation to "best possible score" and continue playing for a while.
> If any winning paths appear, switch back to normal evaluation, else
> resign.

I experimented with something similar a while ago, using the
publicly available mogo and manipulating komi between moves.

If its win probability fell below a certain threshold (and the move
number wasn't too high), I told it to play on the assumption that it
would receive a few points more komi (and similarly when the win
probability became high).

This did seem to make it stronger vs gnugo on 13x13, but I didn't
investigate thoroughly.

I hope that techniques like this will be able to avoid the situation
where the computer starts playing very risky moves when it judges it is
only a little behind (which can be foolish if the opponent is likely to
make plenty of mistakes of its own). They could also help a computer
make better use of handicap stones.


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