Here are the statistics on all the CGOS games through January 2008 with
the winning percentages.  This is from  the point of the view of the
player making the move.

The most popular move is E5 and it also is the only move with a positive
score.   I consider all games regardless of how strong or how weak the
players are, or how mismatched in skill.  

The least popular move is A5, which appears to be far better than the
worst move (A1)

E5  58.1%  97342
D5  47.4%  60900
D4  48.0%  45559
C4  38.6%  27562
C3  28.2%  15503
C5  44.3%  15470
B4  28.7%  4581
B3  25.8%  3105
B5  32.8%  2680
B2  24.3%  1061
A1   5.7%  560
A2  10.2%  509
A3  13.6%  428
A4  15.0%  401
A5  15.9%  195

- Don

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