Michael Williams wrote:
> But as was pointed out before, these high levels of MoGo are probably
> still not pro level, right?
I don't know how strong Mogo is in the grand scheme of things - but the
experiments with komi indicate that 7.0 is too low and that 8.0 is a
lower bound on what komi should be (if  we can  take that experiment
seriously.)     The trend is that stronger players need higher komi.

The other possibility we discussed is that perhaps it's  easier to find
the correct black moves early in the game than it is for white - in
other words black has a practical advantage,  but not a "true"

- Don

> Don Dailey wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Any opinion either of us have on this is only speculation. 
>> Nevertheless,  in any kind of science there tends to be unproven
>> conjectures that are widely believed to be true even though nobody has
>> found a rigorous proof.   Some of those will turn out to surprise
>> everybody.      I have seen widely held beliefs be proven wrong before
>> (the earth is flat is one example.)
>> Recently I have lost some faith in my belief that 7.0 komi is right on
>> 9x9 with Chinese CGOS style rules.   I was never absolutely SURE of
>> it,   but I believed it with a  high degree of confidence.   I still
>> believe 7.0 is correct, but  I'm somewhat less sure of this now.
>> This is due to some testing I did with mogo, where at high levels mogo
>> plays more even with 8.5 than 7.5.   (black still wins slightly even at
>> 8.5 komi)
>> It's entirely possible,  that mogo's style of play does better with
>> black for whatever reason I don't understand.    It could be some
>> feature of the game, or even a mogo bug.   I am reluctant to draw
>> conclusions based on the performance of self play games of one computer
>> player but this result has cast some doubt for me.
>> - Don
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