Ok,  what the heck.  

Not enough data to draw any conclusions, but I broke out the white and
black win percentages when both players were within specific 200 point
ELO windows.    I ignored all other games.

 range        wh   bl  wperc   bperc
 ---------   ---  ---  -----   -----
 1000-1199     7    9   0.44    0.56
 1200-1399    11    5   0.69    0.31
 1400-1599     4    7   0.36    0.64
 1600-1700    26   18   0.59    0.41
 1800-1999    52   43   0.55    0.45
 2000-2199    14    9   0.61    0.39
 2200-2399    10   17   0.37    0.63
 2400-2599    42   51   0.45    0.55
 2600-2799    15   22   0.41    0.59

Seems to indicate that black has an advantage at higher levels.

White won about 52% of ALL the games played.  

- Don

Don Dailey wrote:
> FatMan is a CPU hog,   I think it would be good to get a lot of data
> first,  and then perhaps see what happens with FatMan 14.    I would not
> put 15 in unless 14 showed an improvement.  
> I hope to find an explanation for the sudden flattening out of FatMan,
> which could point to a general performance bug at lower levels too.
> I will do some statistics later on win/loss results for white and black
> at various ELO windows.    It would interesting if we discovered that
> one color was winning a LOT of games - it would indicated that the play
> is getting really strong as David Fotland suggested.
> - Don
> Alain Baeckeroot wrote:
>> Le jeudi 24 janvier 2008, Don Dailey a écrit :
>>> Hi Hideki,
>>> No need to stop any of the weaker games since 99% of the compute time is
>>> consumed by the strongest half. 
>>> Also, only the new mogo's will be scheduled to play until they catch up
>>> - however their opponent will almost always be the stronger players.  
>>> The probability of one of them playing against an opponent in the lower
>>> half is low.   
>>> - Don
>> Is it planned to also add Fatman 14 15 16 ?
>> Or is there some impossibility ?
>> Also it would be nice to have an order of magnitude of memory usage
>> and time used for each level.
>> Thanks a lot for this great study 
>> Alain
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