On 7/12/07, Nick Wedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>For computers special cases matter. Especially for a search based
>programm. A search based programm finds every possible special case and
>plays into this case, because the opponent does not prevent it.
>Are there something as Universal accepted computer-Go rules? There is -
>at least on paper - a computer FIDE. The IGGA. Is there something as
>the IGGA computer-Go ruleset?
According to the game records from the recent ICGA events in Amsterdam,
the 19x19 events used Japanese rules with 6.5 komi, and the 9x9 games
used Chinese rules, but with 6.5 komi. So I suspect not.
Don't trust the rule specification (or timing information for that
matter) in the raw game records, they may have been set differently to
circumvent difficulties by those who played using a remote system.
All Go events in Amsterdam used Chinese rules. IIRC the last time the
Olympiad used Japanese rules was in 2002, after that it was always
Chinese rules.
BTW I have no idea what IGGA means, "International Guild Of Glass
Artists", "International Grooving and Grinding Association",
"International Gomputer Games Association", is it a typo???
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