1 second is probably too much when network lag is not an issue,
and not enough when it is...

Is there some way to use ping every N moves, to get
a better setting on a per connection basis?

Ken Friedenbach

On Mar 27, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Don Dailey wrote:

The 2 minute server is interesting,  the short time control
has still allowed for very strong programs including Mogo.

I am considering to change the time control when I change
over officially to 5 minutes instead of 10.   5 minutes seems
more than adequate  for the Monte Carlo programs which play
quite strongly even at 2 minutes per game.

What does everything think about that?

The server adds 1 second gift to each move silently,  in
order to allow for server overheads and network lags and
glitches.  This is pretty generous and actually adds a
minute or more the the length of the games.   I think this
should probably be cut to 1/2 second instead of a full
second and I will make that change.

- Don

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