My 1982 34 still has original rod rigging. I store mast down and inspect every year. Had rigger inspect 3 years ago. No problems including 20 years ago when hit by surprise squall that lasted several hours with winds 50kts+. The boat survived just fine – the crew was another story. 😊
That said, a lot depends on how the boat is used, in what climate and if stored with mast down or up. I am in Connecticut and always store mast down. Mostly day sails, Wednesday night beer can and some weekend regattas. Winds are normally less than 15. Entire rig sees much less strain and corrosion than a boat used in Florida or southern climes, extensively raced hard and mast left up year round. Best advice is regularly inspect the rig especially the rod heads. Make sure the turnbuckles turn easily over the rod heads. Lubricate the turnbuckle threads. Have a rigger inspect every few years. John Read Legacy III 1982 C&C 34 Noank, CT From: Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2024 2:15 PM To: Stus-List <> Cc: Della Barba, Joe <> Subject: Stus-List old rod rigging Question for the collective knowledge base here: Would you sail a 1980s era boat with original rod rigging or is it going to fall on your head any second? Joe Della Barba Coquina
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