I am surprised that this setup works well for you and want to figure out why. I have the double-ended setup on my main that Chuck describes except I have 5:1 at the traveller/cam cleat and the other end led forward and then back to a stopper and cabin top winch. I like the setup so that I can use the traveller end for lighter wind to quickly haul in the main or let it out. In heavier winds, I use the winch end to control. However, even with 5:1 on the traveller, there is no way I could ever tighten the main sufficiently for upwind work by hand with winds above 10 knots. It requires the winch to generate enough power. So I am surprised that with the 6:1 (and larger main: 37 vs. 34+) you could haul the main in by hand with this setup. I imagine it is more efficient with the pulling angles of the blocks, and less friction, but could it make that much difference? Dave
S/V Aries 1990 C&C 34+ New London, CT > On Nov 18, 2020, at 11:30 AM, Josh Muckley <muckl...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Some of the questions that come up on the list are such repeats and are > easier to explain with videos than with pictures or words... Yes I have a few > videos. > > Those are standard garhauer components but for the bigger one I removed the > cam cleat so as to create a location for the smaller block to attach. I > discussed a formal modification with the guys at garhauer but never really > got anywhere. > > Here are some more individual pics. > https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8pEh5lnvP1yY3Qtbi1VSllwM3M > <https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8pEh5lnvP1yY3Qtbi1VSllwM3M> > > Josh Muckley > S/V Sea Hawk > 1989 C&C 37+ > Solomons, MD > > > > > On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, 11:19 Chuck Saur <cssau...@gmail.com > <mailto:cssau...@gmail.com>> wrote: > Thanks, Josh!! Really nice setup and exactly what I was looking for! I > assume those are standard Garhauer blocks? You must have quite a YouTube > library by now! > > > Chuck Saur > > 517 490-5926 Cell > > > > > > > > On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 11:06 AM Josh Muckley <muckl...@gmail.com > <mailto:muckl...@gmail.com>> wrote: > https://youtu.be/VNUGnNAGsDo <https://youtu.be/VNUGnNAGsDo> > > Josh Muckley > S/V Sea Hawk > 1989 C&C 37+ > Solomons, MD > > On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, 09:29 Chuck Saur <cssau...@gmail.com > <mailto:cssau...@gmail.com>> wrote: > Hello gang...thinking about spending boat bucks already. My mainsheet has > the original setup, going from 3:1 at the traveler, along the boom to block > at mast collar, and back through a stopper to a winch. > I've seen pics of different configurations, the enviable upgrade seems where > the mainsheet stays at the traveler in the cockpit, and has a two-speed setup > with camcleats. With my wife and I usually doing the sailing, the purchase > and size would need to be significant enough to enable either of us to pull > the main in under a blow, without a winch and avoiding cardiac issues. So > any of you 37/40 owners have experience and suggestions with mainsheet > configurations to offer before I help some supply house achieve their sales > quota this month? Thanking anyone in advance! > > > Chuck Saur > > 517 490-5926 Cell > > > > > > October is the time to show your appreciation with a small contribution to > this list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use > PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray > <https://www.paypal.me/stumurray> Thanks - Stu > October is the time to show your appreciation with a small contribution to > this list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use > PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray > <https://www.paypal.me/stumurray> Thanks - Stu > October is the time to show your appreciation with a small contribution to > this list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use > PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray > <https://www.paypal.me/stumurray> Thanks - Stu > October is the time to show your appreciation with a small contribution to > this list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use > PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray Thanks - Stu
October is the time to show your appreciation with a small contribution to this list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray Thanks - Stu