Thanks Michael, that very interesting.


> On Jun 12, 2019, at 5:02 AM, Michael Brown via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> Some notes on the C&C 30 rating history at PHRF Lake Ontario.
> 1985 FS:168 NFS:168
> Record created in the current database
> 1996 FS:162 NFS:162
> Handicap adjustment by Central Council based on performance history
> 2000 FS:162 NFS:180
> +18 Disconnect of NFS-SP from FS-SP rating
> 2006 FS:168 NFS:186
> PHRF-LO did a blanket +6 sec/mile adjustment to all classes, more inline
> with other PHRF regions
> 2010 FS:174 NFS:186
> Performance based review by Central Council
> 2012 FS:174 NFS:195
> A VPP analysis of "NFS-Delta" using a formula from Jim Teeters
> changed the delta from 12 sec/mile to 21 sec/mile. All classes
> were reviewed ( that fly spinnaker )
> Michael Brown
> Windburn
> C&C 30-1
> From: Randy Stafford < 
> <>> 
> To: cnc-list < <>> 
> Sent: 6/11/2019 3:13 PM 
> Subject: Re: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating 
> Thanks y’all for your interesting comments on this.
> I got my new rating yesterday and it came back 180.  The handicapper wrote in 
> the “notes and clarifications” section of my RSA’s PHRF certificate form the 
> following: "There are no comparables listed in US Sailing for this model of 
> boat in the Rocky Mountain Region. This is a compromise between lake sailing 
> ratings of 174 at Lake Norman, Oklahoma and Texoma, TX; and the previous 
> rating for this boat of 186/198. Mitigating factors are: 1. +10% above base 
> weight, even when empty; 2. The lighter air pressure at altitude which makes 
> it even more difficult to move a heavy boat.”
> The 10% over base weight remark was from a discussion she and I had on 
> “brochure weight” (8000 lbs for a 30 MK I as on 
> <>) versus actual weight.  I’ve actually weighed my 
> boat on a truck scale, and weighed all her gear.  I calculate she weighs 
> about 8682 pounds with empty tanks and no gear aboard.  So with full fuel 
> tank, anchor & rode, sails, etc., her as-raced weight is closer to 9000 
> pounds before crew weight.  According to the Schell regression formula, that 
> 1000-pound difference in brochure versus actual weight translates to at least 
> six seconds difference in rating, so the handicapper gave that to me.
> In my RSA we don’t really have the local politics as badly as in some other 
> areas apparently.  The handicapping committee is one volunteer, and the 
> position turns over every few years.  I think most of our handicappers have 
> tried to do a reasonably fair job with the information they have available.  
> And none of them have been from the sailing industry.
> That said, there are a couple boats in my fleet in my club that seem to have 
> gift ratings.  There’s a Catalina 25 to which I give 43 sec/nm, and a Cal 22 
> to which I give 48 sec/nm.  In light air with everybody executing well, I 
> might not beat them uncorrected, let alone corrected.  Both boats seem to be 
> rated at least 12 seconds slower in my RSA than in most others RSAs in the 
> US, and I’m sure their owners would strongly resist lowering their ratings, 
> because they win a lot on corrected time.  I had a half-dozen races last year 
> where I took line honors and they corrected over me.
> My main competition is a pair of Catalina 27s and a Ranger 26, all 
> well-sailed.  In heavy air the Ranger 26 can’t stay in control; he has to 
> depower way before I do.  A couple times a season when the wind is really up, 
> I’ll have the joy of beating the fleet by three minutes in a half-hour race.  
> But that’s the exception to the rule where I sail.  And unfortunately for me 
> the Ranger 26’s rating didn’t change this year, whereas mine did - six 
> seconds faster.
> I accept that PHRF is an imperfect system.  At the end of the day, I’m out 
> there on Wednesday nights to have fun.  That said, I like the competition, 
> and I’d like it to be as fair as possible.
> Cheers,
> Randy
> S/V Grenadine
> C&C 30-1 #7
> Ken Caryl, CO
>> On Jun 11, 2019, at 6:27 AM, Hoyt, Mike via CnC-List < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi Randy
>> When comparing boats across different areas make sure you look at other 
>> boats in those areas as well.  Pacific NW tends to rate most of their fleet 
>> 9 – 12 sec/mile slower than most other areas … not just the C&C 30.
>> Also look at the prevailing wind conditions in the areas.  Northern 
>> California is known to be windy whereas LI Sound is known for fairly light 
>> winds.  A C&C 30-1 would perform much better in the windier areas and should 
>> have a faster rating in Northern California than in LIS for example.
>> Yes PHRF sucks.  However all of the systems suck.  Some suck worse than 
>> others.  ORR, IMS, IRC, etc …require measurements of each boat.  It is 
>> difficult to find a measurer and quite expensive to get a boat measured.  
>> However a measurement rule seems to be a lot fairer for point to point 
>> distance racing than a single number system.  You can have a race like 
>> Marblehead to Halifax that is hundreds of miles of mostly reaching.  In that 
>> sort of race a big long waterline boat that is horrible at W/L short leg 
>> races will tend to do very well as it would be on its best point of sail 
>> most of the race and therefore outsail its handicap under many systems.
>> For a typical small club race PHRF has one very redeeming feature.  It is 
>> simple to use and easy to find existing handicaps for most production boats 
>> that have been around for any length of time.  The ORR-EZ system that has 
>> been discussed gives me a first impression that the Race Committee would 
>> have more work to do in implementing on a race by race basis and would need 
>> to be knowledgeable and could implement the incorrect number for a given 
>> race condition.  Also on a race course at least with PHRF or any other 
>> single number system as a sailor I know how much time I owe any other boat 
>> at any given time during a race.  Multi number systems this would be much 
>> more difficult
>> The only thing that really works is OD racing.  Of course that means that 
>> everyone has to go get the same boat and usually not the one they prefer.  I 
>> really do not wish to spend all my time on a Farr 30 especially for a fun 
>> one off race on a Saturday ….  OD tends to weaken the mixed fleet 
>> participation which is its cost.  Then you have all these C&Cs and other 
>> boats sitting at the dock …
>> Is PHRF perfect?  No.  Not at all.  However in theory it is based on 
>> observed performance so is inexpensive to implement.  It does assume that a 
>> boat is in race condition including folding/feathering prop, decent sails, 
>> spinnaker, etc …
>> Happy Tuesday
>> Mike Hoyt
>> Persistence
>> 1987 Frers 33 #16
>> Halifax, NS
>> <>
>> From: CnC-List [ 
>> <>] On Behalf Of Randy Stafford via 
>> CnC-List
>> Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 5:26 PM
>> To: cnc-list
>> Cc: Randy Stafford
>> Subject: Stus-List 30 MK I PHRF Rating
>> Listers-
>> Looking at US Sailing’s “History of US PHRF Affiliated Fleet Handicaps” 
>> ( 
>> <>), you 
>> can see that there is a range of ratings for the 30 MK I across different 
>> fleets, from 168 to 186 seconds per nautical mile.  Note I believe that the 
>> “C&C 30” and “C&C 30 (1-506)” models are the same boat in that document’s 
>> tables.
>> I’m trying to understand why that is.  The mode, or most often occurring 
>> rating, is 174.  That’s with spinnaker, and generally assumes a folding 
>> prop, from what I understand.  But why would the Newfoundland fleet rate the 
>> boat at 168 sec/nm, for example, and the Northwest fleet rate it at 186?
>> If we have any listers from those fleets / Regional Sailing Associations who 
>> can shed light on this question, I’d be very interested.
>> When my boat was first rated by my RSA ( 
>> <>, in US Sailing’s Area F) back in 2016, she was given a 
>> rating of 186, with a fixed two-blade prop.  Her rating stayed at 186 after 
>> I got a folding prop for the 2017 season and beyond.
>> Now my RSA is re-rating all boats in the region.  I believe the handicapper 
>> is primarily looking at the above US Sailing document, and probably choosing 
>> the most-often occurring rating as the base.  So I believe my boat’s rating 
>> will probably change to 174.
>> Can anyone explain the range of ratings?
>> Thank You,
>> Randy Stafford
>> S/V Grenadine
>> C&C 30-1 #7
>> Ken Caryl, CO
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