
Glad you are making progress!  I keep forgetting to test out my WiFi module
on my AIS.  I know it is transmitting, but the app to display AIS is on the
iPad which usually stays in the house.  My Navionics app on my phone does
not show AIS.

How old is the antenna cable?


On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 11:43 AM, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Things are coming along with a snag or two. Wouldn’t be a boat otherwise.
> Thing one is I cannot get the CP180 to display AIS targets. It is driving
> me nuts. It even went back to S-H and that didn’t help. More to come, I got
> a diagnostic mode setup from them to try.
> The other thing is out of my 3 VHF antennas, the AIS only likes the
> masthead one. The other two report back as bad antennas. They have been on
> there a long time, maybe they are. Need to get a meter on those things.
> On the good news side the $30 or so Wifi link works GREAT. My iPhone and
> IPad both show all the data over the wifi and I can see AIS targets on both
> J That thing is the deal of the century.
> Joe
> Coquina
> C&C 35 MK I
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