Yes sorry joe is correct. Baudrate for ais is 38.4k.  This can be set in open 
cpn as I indicated.   Jerry 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 8, 2017, at 11:20 AM, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> AIS is at 38.4 K, not 4800.
> Joe
> Coquina
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jerome 
> Tauber via CnC-List
> Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2017 11:05 AM
> To:
> Cc: Jerome Tauber <>
> Subject: Re: Stus-List AIS improvement + general rewiring
> If you are using a USB port you have to set up a virtual serial port.  Make 
> sure the serial port is set to the proper baud rate for AIS.  This can be 
> done via Open CPN.  Go to options- connections. Click add connection serial 
> port and baudrate 4800, protocol NMEA 0183.  If no ports are listed you must 
> create a virtual port using software the came with your ais receiver or 
> download any virtual USB to serial software.  Jerry 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 8, 2017, at 10:46 AM, David via CnC-List <> wrote:
> Joe,
> Got the unit and hooked it up to laptop running OpenCPN and SeaClear III.
> Went to beach with whip VHF antennae to test.   Nuthin'.  
> That might be because there was nuthin' sending AIS signals  or the laptop 
> was not communicating via the port.
> Any tricks you may pass along before I dive into the internet abyss ?
> Thanks in advance.
> David F. Risch
> (401) 419-4650 (cell)
> From: CnC-List <>  on behalf of Della Barba, Joe 
> via CnC-List <>
> Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 11:02 AM
> To:
> Cc: Della Barba, Joe
> Subject: Re: Stus-List AIS improvement + general rewiring
> I just ordered this: 
> $37 or so US dollars shipped free from Australia. They have two NMEA channel 
> versions too.
> I was tempted to stick the AIS in my car and drive over the Bay Bridge, it 
> surely will get picked up 200 feet in the air, but then thought of a tanker 
> hitting a cruise ship and then they both hit the bridge and knock it over 
> while avoiding getting rammed by the westbound boat doing 60 knots made me 
> rethink my plan.
> Speaking of which, there is at least one airplane flying around with AIS. 
> Freaked me out the first time I saw a 99 knot “boat” hit dry land and keep 
> going! I had a weird symbol, maybe an circle with an X IIRC/
> Joe Della Barba
> Coquina
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Joel 
> Aronson via CnC-List
> Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 10:56 AM
> To:
> Cc: Joel Aronson <>
> Subject: Re: Stus-List AIS improvement + general rewiring
> Joe,
> Look for yourself on Marine Traffic.  Or let me know when the unit has been 
> on for a while.
> Please let me know how the NMEA WiFi bridge works.  Could be much simpler 
> than what I am trying to do with Signal K  and a router.
> Joel
> On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> I have the AIS unit now. I wish I hadn’t been so quick to ship the old one, I 
> would like to see it work and apparently I have no shore station in reach of 
> my location at the dock. All the lights are good, the diagnostics are all 
> good, and it says it is transmitting. I guess I have to get out from behind 
> the buildings and out in the Bay to actually see myself online.
> Another question has come up. I just got an old Gen 2 IPad I am going to try 
> along with my other toys. It is the Wi-Fi version, no GPS built in. So I 
> ordered a NMEA>WIFI bridge from FleaBay that should allow this, and my phone, 
> to get the GPS and AIS data. Two questions:
> 1.       Has anyone used the Navionics app with Wi-Fi data like this? The app 
> itself isn’t real helpful, it basically says connect your device and it will 
> work. Well thanks for that tip!
> 2.       Anyone have Navionics on more than one device? When I got the IPad 
> on my account I have every single app ready to port over that I have on the 
> phone including Navionics Hiking, but NOT the Navionics marine navigation 
> app? Is this some Apple malfunction or is Navionics trying to get paid twice? 
> If I have to buy it again, I can get INAV-X for about half the price.
> Thanks
> Joe
> Coquina
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of ALAN 
> BERGEN via CnC-List
> Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 12:13 PM
> To: C&C <>
> Subject: Re: Stus-List AIS improvement + general rewiring
> Joe:
> I have an AIT2000 and Raymarine C80 MFD. The AIS out goes to the C80 NMEA 
> 0183 in and the AIS in goes to the C80 out.  Since I have a separate GPS, 
> that connects to my VHF for the DSC connection.  I use a separate VHF antenna 
> for the AIS, and it can be used as a VHF antenna in case I ever lose my mast. 
>   I had difficulty connecting the AIS to my laptop (something to do with the 
> software I'm using), so I connected my GPS to the laptop as well as to the 
> VHF/DSC connections.
> Alan Bergen
> 35 Mk III Thirsty
> Rose City YC
> Portland, OR
> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 8:03 AM, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> The old AIS was tested on my Sunday afternoon sail and got about 15 targets. 
> It is now off the boat to be shipped to its new owner. The new one is on the 
> way, a Digital Yacht AIT1500. So now I need to redo the various NMEA 
> connections and the first thing I am trying to figure is the DSC-in signals. 
> The VHF has a DSC-out and apparently the new AIS does too, but it does not 
> seem to be documented. The manual mentions once receiver switches back and 
> forth between DSC and AIS, but does not mention what sentences it sends out 
> or on what outputs. My initial plan is to have the VHF DSC out go to the AIS 
> NMEA in and then it can combine DSC messages it hears with whatever the AIS 
> picks up. I am planning for now for the AIS to provide data for the nav 
> computer and VHF, the cockpit plotter will get the AIS info from the AIS and 
> GPS data either from its own receiver or the AIS unit, and the APRS will have 
> its own low power GPS so I can turn everything off but APRS when I am not on 
> the boat. More to follow, but that is plan so far.  One frustration is for 
> some reason the CP180 plotter will NOT take a GPS fix on any input but 4800 
> baud port 3, so even though the AIS will send all the GPS data along with AIS 
> on 38K baud, the plotter won’t read the GPS sentences at that speed on ports 
> 1 or 2. OpenCPN has no such restriction, so one connection will do for that.
> Joe
> Coquina
> C&C 35 MK I
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> --
> Alan Bergen
> 35 Mk III Thirsty
> Rose City YC
> Portland, OR
> _______________________________________________
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> --
> Joel 
> 301 541 8551
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