Why not splice, solder and hearshrink?

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 25, 2017, at 4:05 PM, Dennis C. <capt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Had a situation where I wanted to connect two wires twisted and soldered 
> together with two smaller individual wires.  The individual wires could use a 
> 14-16 connector but the twisted wires needed a 10-12 connector.
>  Aha!  I grabbed two 14-16 #10 ring connectors and a 10-12 #10 ring connector 
> and riveted them together with a 3/16 inch 1/4 inch grip aluminum rivet.  
> Everything got smeared with TefGel since the rivet wasn't tinned marine 
> grade.  Voila, a 3 way connector with two 14-16 connectors and one 10-12 
> connector.
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_sb5TfIENvseWVpb0h0WUVvVnc
> Yeah, I could have used a couple of 10-12 butt connectors and twisted wires 
> together and folded wires over but that's not how we roll on Touche'.  Could 
> have also used a piggy back quick disconnect.
> Dennis C.

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