I too like to use the appropriate nautical term. When we put the
standing rigging together for the first time after purchasing the boat,
we discovered the top 'aluminum 'through-bolt, 'stud' or 'tie bar' as
the rigger from North Sails called it was approx. half worn through by
the wire from the main halyard.
This yacht shop in the below website advertises what we are talking
about as a 'TIE BAR' and "threaded at 12mm at both ends"....pic is not
of a 'tie bar' obviously.
And yes, we have the compression tube inside the mast .....we used the
original one with a new SS piece of metal, whatever it is called, to
hold the tangs together.
Rob Abbott
C&C 32 - 84
Halifax, N.S
On 2015-05-14 3:01 PM, Russ & Melody via CnC-List wrote:
A little term bitchin' here.
The threaded thingy that goes inside the mast to hold the tangs tight
is a called through-bolt (even though in most cases it is a stud) not
a tie-bar. And it goes inside a compression tube so it can be properly
tightened without deflecting the mast sides towards each other. The
compression tube was especially important in wooden masts to prevent
movement and elongation of holes.
I may be pissin in the wind here and I concede most people use the
term salon instead of saloon, but I endeavour to preserve to use of as
many other old terms as I can.
Cheers, Russ
/Sweet /35 mk-1
Vancouver Island
At 07:24 AM 14/05/2015, you wrote:
Mike et al:
....the most difficult one is getting the cap shroud in its tang and
then screw the tang into the tie bar inside the mast.....the shroud
and the tang have to rotate as one.
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