Thanks Russ, I think I represent the "younger" (I have grey!) generation of
sailors on this list and I'm happy to be corrected. Using the right words
for things on a sailboat is pretty important .. especially the "go parts",
and especially when you're underway!

Suhana, C&C 32

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Bill Bina - gmail via CnC-List <> wrote:

>  I'd be happy if more sailors would simply learn the difference between
> "deck", and, "topsides".
> Bill Bina.
> On 5/14/2015 2:01 PM, Russ & Melody via CnC-List wrote:
> A little term bitchin' here.
> The threaded thingy that goes inside the mast to hold the tangs tight is a
> called through-bolt (even though in most cases it is a stud) not a tie-bar.
> And it goes inside a compression tube so it can be properly tightened
> without deflecting the mast sides towards each other. The compression tube
> was especially important in wooden masts to prevent movement and elongation
> of holes.
> I may be pissin in the wind here and I concede most people use the term
> salon instead of saloon, but I endeavour to preserve to use of as many
> other old terms as I can.
>         Cheers, Russ
>         *Sweet *35 mk-1
>         Vancouver Island
> At 07:24 AM 14/05/2015, you wrote:
> Mike et al:
> ....the most difficult one is getting the cap shroud in its tang and then
> screw the tang into the tie bar inside the mast.....the shroud and the tang
> have to rotate as one.
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