Good point Joe.  I did make the assumption that he was talking about a
monohull despite referencing a catamaran.


P.S. So the charter companies don't like seeing their boats sailed
On Aug 19, 2014 12:20 PM, "Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List" <> wrote:

>  You are missing a vital point. Charter cats NEED a written sailplan.
> They have little to no steering feel and don't heel until it is too late.
> If you leave too much sail up they might just round up against full rudder,
> go really fast but ruin the sails*, break something, or perhaps capsize. It
> should be very obvious when a C&C needs some sail trim. If you need both
> hands on the wheel to steer and the rail is underwater that is a good hint.
> You also need to know the strength of the sails and the strength of the
> crew. My #1 genoas could be used off the wind in a lot more wind than would
> be good for the light cloth. My spinnaker is a light air sail for us while
> cruising. We don't have the manpower to handle a heavy air spinnaker run
> with just my wife and I to do all the work.
> *do not show charter company video of their boat doing 15 knots. Just
> sayin'
> *Joe Della Barba*
> Coquina
> C&C 35 MK I
> Josh Muckley
> S/V Sea Hawk
> 1989 C&C 37+
> Solomons, MD
> On Aug 19, 2014 10:32 AM, "Curtis via CnC-List" <>
> wrote:
> Can anybody give me the sailplan for my boat? What sail to use under what
> wind condition. What is the comfort rating, tern over ratio. I have no
> paper work with this boat that shows this information. It would be nice to
> have a printed version of this information.
> example on sail -plan
> The sail plan for a Lagoon 380 in sustained winds is as follows:
> *Force 5 winds (up to 22 knots): full sail, both main and jib.*
> *Force 6 winds (22 to 26 knots): one reef in the main and full jib.*
> *Force 7 winds (27 to 28 knots): one reef in the main and one reef in the
> jib.*
> *Force 7 winds (29 to 33 knots): two reefs in both the main and the jib.*
> *Force 8 winds (34 to 38 knots): two reefs in the main and three reefs in
> the jib.*
> *Force 9 winds (39 to 44 knots): drop mainsail completely and three reefs
> in jib.*
> Above 44 knots, all sail is dropped and the mainsail bag and boom will be
> quite enough sail, thank you.
> Thanks for your help...
> --
> *Best regards,*
> *Curtis McDaniel, *
> *C&C 30-MK1 East Coast Lady*
> *Port Royal,*
> *South Carolina*
> * <>*
> *~~~~ __/) ~~~~*
> .
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