Really not a pi___ng match - honest.  I just can’t stress enough how valuable 
and helpful the ham community can be.  Please, if you venture offshore, take 
the time to learn and pursue a license.  I am not bashing the sat phone - I had 
one on board when cruising.  It just wouldn’t be my go-to.  Ok, yes, I would 
grab it because it is quick and might work.  I’d do that while the SSB was 
warming up.


On May 11, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Wally Bryant via CnC-List <> 

> No argument here.  I don't want to get into a p___ing match with anyone.  I'm 
> too busy.
> Whatever you say.  I have an HF receiver on board, and have listened and 
> learned.
> Wal
> you wrote:
>> I'm sorry, have to jump in here.  With a sat phone, assuming it works, you 
>> may get some operator on the phone. With a SSB, assuming you took the time 
>> to learn it, you will probably get half the ham community on the other end.  
>> That is a group that will go above and beyond.
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