Hook close to the meca when you need a day to shower/ laundry take on fuel
and water and food right? You pay at these spots. Then the rest of the time
you drop hook in less traveled anchorages and no pay? Of is that not safe
with the bandits?

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 6:43 AM, Wally Bryant <w...@wbryant.com> wrote:

> Steve - Marinas aren't cheap down here.  They've figured out that gringos
> will pay SanDiego prices, and electricity and water are meteredand extra.
>  And many good anchorages are now filled with mooring balls, and even if
> you don't trust the mooring ball and use your own hook, you pay to anchor.
>  Yet another reason to Go Now before it's gone...
> Buying new chain outrightis harder than you can imagine.  It's simply not
> availabledown here.  I picked up that used chain from a guy who had a
> friend bring 300 feet down from the US on the friend's boat.  I was
> planning on trucking some down next summer, and the logistics are daunting.
>  I was going to buy it, have it trucked to a freight forwarder in San
> Diego, and then have it trucked across the border and down Baja.
>  Basically, double the cost. You might think that it's crazy, and that they
> have chain in Mexico.  Yes, they do.  It'll last about a year.  (Hey, you
> wanted chain, this is chain, what's the problem?)
> I'm down in Banderas Bay at the moment, back on the hook since I now trust
> mychain.  I've been hanging here to work with an Ophthalmologist that I
> trust.  My eyes are pretty weird -- I'm one of those people who have worn
> coke-bottle bottoms since 4 years old.  I wear glasses over contacts.
> Apparently, people with eyes like mine don't live long down here.  They get
> hit by a busin childhood. I'vespent a lot of money learning that you don't
> have to be licensed or trained to sell glasses and contact lenses down
> here.  You just hang up a sign that says "Optica." I've been given the
> totally wrong prescription.  (Hey, you wanted lentes contactos, these are
> lentes contactos, what's the problem?)
>  So yeah, I've got a good Dentist in La Paz, and a good Ophthalmologistin
> Bucerias, and a Woman in Santiago. Good thing I have a boat.
> you wrote:
>> <snip> And that's a lot of money to spend on Marinas. A thought occurs:
>> would it
>> have been cheaper to simply buy new chain outright?
>> And now a question, are you parked in La Paz or are you getting around?
>> (for that year)
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"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty
recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the
dreamers of the day are dangerous men,for they may act their dreams with
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T. E. Lawrence

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