Well said...


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> On Feb 10, 2014, at 6:52 PM, Wally Bryant <w...@wbryant.com> wrote:
> *GO* while you still can.  Someone mentioned the number of retirees who buy a 
> boat to 'go cruising' with varied results.  I've seen countless big bucks 
> boats that were tricked out for cruising, and the owner was waiting for 
> retirement and the pension, but died first.  Heck, my brother-in-law recently 
> died at the ripe old age of 57.
> Even if you live long enough to retire, you might not be physically capable 
> to handling the lifestyle.  A few years ago I heard some woman screaming 
> "HELP ME HELP ME" (apparently she didn't know how to use the radio) so I 
> jumped in the dink and went full throttle.  Her husband had dislocated his 
> hip stepping into the dinghy from the beach.  That was a big deal, and the 
> Mexican I
> Normal cruising adventures can be challenging.  Getting from the dinghy to 
> the boat in 20 knots with a good chop can be a challenge. I'm something of an 
> expert at timing, and can wait for the perfect moment to step on the side of 
> the dinghy and do a 1/2 flip to end up on my butt on deck, and also can find 
> the handrail without thinking.  It's good to know your boat.  But it's 
> getting harder, and I'm only 56 years old.  Think about doing that while 
> tossing groceries or Jerry cans on deck.  Done it. Oh, my back.
> Speaking of Jerry cans, imagine needing to fuel up and the nearest place is 
> two miles away in the desert.  It's easy to hike two miles in 105F heat with 
> eight empty Jerry cans -- you just take a spare piece of rope and toss them 
> over your back.  But getting the full Jerry cans back is a challenge.  Yes, I 
> have trudged back and forth for a full 14 miles in 105F heat, carrying a six 
> gallon jug of fuel in each hand for each return trip.  And I won't do it 
> again. (Tip:  Take a sail tie and wrap it through the handle, and lash a 
> rolling hitch on your upper forearm.  Thus the weight is borne by your 
> shoulders, and your hands can be used to maintain control without cramping.)
> Yeah, yeah, yeah.  To be perfectly honest, the 2008 debacle left me in bad 
> shape, and I took a good look at the big picture and knew that I should 
> forget my dreams and go back to work.  Then I said 'EFF IT.'
> We are not voyagers.  We are sources of revenue.
> Hey, dinner is ready.  I could shoot my mouth off on this topic forever, but 
> I need to eat.
> Wal
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