Looking at the Moeller tanks leads to a new question - maybe my Volvo diesel is a bit different - but my original tank has 4 connections
1 - fuel fill
1 - vent line (goes out to the stern)
1 - line feeds to the fuel filter
and 1 line that I assume is a return feed from the engine

But the Moeller tanks don't appear to have the 4th return feed???

Does the tank need a specific fitting or extra fitting?

  Dr. Mark Bodnar
B.Sc., D.C., FCCOPR(C)
Bedford Chiropractic

There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
  - George Santayana
On 10/02/2014 5:41 PM, Dennis Cheuvront wrote:
Are you opposed to a new tank?  Granted, a pinhole leak on the top may not indicate more problems but it would make me think about the overall integrity of the tank.

One of the first things I did when I bought Touche' was to replace the fuel tank.  I replaced it again when I repowered to a diesel.

Many tanks are standard sizes.  Check the Moeller site to see if they have one that will fit.  Then go shopping online for the best price.  For instance, one to fit a 35-1 is $153 new and $131 used on Amazon.  That seems like a cheap price for the peace of mind that the tank is good.

One of our listers just replaced his tank for what I thought was a pretty decent price.  Maybe he'll chime in.

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Dr. Mark Bodnar <drbod...@accesswave.ca> wrote:
Well, it was a cold weekend, but I wanted to check the boat, make sure there was no water freezing up inside, and if I'm going to drive down there then I may as well get at a job or 2.

Stripped off the last bit of upholstery - now I can get all the cushions re-covered

Then I tried to remove the fuel tank.  Let's just say the tank was not in total agreement with my plan, and as such the process was a little more violent that I had hoped for - I had to cut the inlet and vent pipe (but I figure that 1986 hoses are likely due for replacement - so it was not a huge loss.

Once I had everything disconnected I lifted the mostly empty tank out of the lazerette - and saw a small pin-hole leak stream out on the top of the tank.  Right where one of the metal tank strap tighteners was resting - clearly the contrasting metal had corroded a small hole.
Otherwise the tank looks good.  Just dirty.

I need to clean the tank up to get a better look - but I'm wondering how this should be repaired.
Given I wanted to clean out the tank and install an access hatch (but near the other end of the tank) - should I get a small patch weld?
Or did I read somewhere that a fuel tank can be lined with epoxy.
I feel like I could even just drill out the hole, tap it and screw in a small bolt with a gasket.

I'm stiff after a few hours in the lazerette fighting with the fuel tank - but the new boat shine has not worn off yet!



  Dr. Mark Bodnar
B.Sc., D.C., FCCOPR(C)
Bedford Chiropractic

There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
  - George Santayana

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