You pretty much hit it on the head - it's more about cargo capacity than 
anything else.  You just can't imagine how much STUFF you take with you - and 
that's before you start loading cases of wine, cases of soda, cases of water, 
etc, etc, etc.  Don't get hung up on tankage or battery capacity - spend your 
time figuring out how to efficiently put stuff back into them.

Funny comment re the Sabre - we sold one to move to the 121.  One of the few 
boats I've owned and don't miss.  Yes, the woodwork was in a different world 
than the Tartan C&C.

The 121 is a good boat, possibly a great boat.  Who knows, after sailing her 
for a few more years maybe I will take her on an extended cruise but it's 
really not what that girl was built to do.  She would be a dream zipping around 
the BVI.  Sailing to Bermuda in November - not so much.


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> On Jan 2, 2014, at 5:50 PM, Dave Godwin <> wrote:
> John,
> Thanks for the note and I really appreciate any and all suggestions. As a 
> matter of fact, I was re-visiting the C&C 121 listings just last night to 
> make sure that I wasn’t heading off at high speed on the wrong tack. And I am 
> in complete agreement with your take on its sailing and cruising envelope. If 
> I were going to spend all my time on the Chesapeake Bay with a couple of 
> short off-shore dashes I’d include it at the top my list. But I’m looking for 
> extended cruising with a modicum of carrying capacity. Another issue is 
> sea-kindliness upwind in heavy’ish weather.
> I crewed on my buddy's 115 that he bought in Long Island a couple of years 
> ago and delivered back to Annapolis. I loved the boat. We made the absolute 
> fastest not-stop run from Kings Point, NY to Annapolis that I have ever done. 
> I don’t remember the numbers but is was crazy fast. Fortunately almost all of 
> it was beam-reaching and off-wind work. But my same friend decided to take it 
> to Block Island for RC duty the year after. That proved to be brutal. Upwind 
> in heavy weather. I’m afraid that it is now for sale and he is looking at big 
> Sabres, Gran Soleils and the like. And my buddy has been racing off-shore 
> around the world for 35+ years and is incredibly tough so it’s a decision 
> that he didn’t make lightly.
> Also, everyone on the boat was commenting on the quality of glass work, fit 
> and finish compared to J Boat offerings
> So, yes, if it were spending all or most of our time in the Bay, I would put 
> it on the list.
> Best,
> Dave
> 1982 C&C 37 - Ronin
> Reedville - Chesapeake Bay
>> On Jan 2, 2014, at 4:49 PM, wrote:
>> For what it's worth, when we bought our 121 this year, it came down to a 
>> newer C&C vs. several J's.  For how we sail now - weekends, short cruises, 
>> etc the C&C was the right choice.  I'm not sure if it would be my choice for 
>> extended cruising (which I have done).  If you know and like the J, I 
>> suspect your decision is already made.  You could do far worse.
>> John
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Jan 2, 2014, at 1:31 PM, Dave Godwin <> wrote:
>>> I want to reply to Colin and to Ken Heaton for good suggestions and a very 
>>> nice offer. 
>>> As far as looking at the later (not Jackett designed and built models) 
>>> C&C’s, those are very attractive suggestions but I think that both my wife 
>>> and I are headed in a different direction.
>>> We've discovered over the years that with just the two of us, dragging a 
>>> big 140% jib across the deck isn’t our idea of pleasant anymore. And the 
>>> way that we sail is pretty much me soloing with my wife happily knitting in 
>>> the cockpit under the dodger. She assists with the tacking, line handling 
>>> and is very good about getting me a cold beer if needed. The allure of the 
>>> J/42 for both of us is that I can have my “dance space” in the aft end of 
>>> the cockpit and still control the jib and more importantly, the main. I’m 
>>> not fond of reaching up under the dodger to adjust the main sheet and 
>>> traveler sheets when needed. And I tend to trim sails constantly. 
>>> So one of the “selling” points for us of the J/42 is the large main and 
>>> smaller (sort of…) jib size. We’ve swallowed that point hook, line and 
>>> sinker. Whether it’s true is another matter but it seems logical to us. And 
>>> a carbon fiber mast! Gotta have one of those. ;-)
>>> Another reason that I’m probably not looking at another C&C is going 
>>> forward I’d like to avoid boats with liners. I’m not saying that liners are 
>>> bad or cheap but I’m just getting back to a complete refit and painting 
>>> (halted for the last 4 years…) of “Ronin” and having the liner to deal with 
>>> has been a bit of a PITA. It made re-wring the boat a much bigger task for 
>>> a job that is time-consuming in any case. Modifications involving cabinetry 
>>> and fiberglassing become somewhat more involved. Access is an issue.
>>> Which brings me to the Colin’s offer to meet the owners of Ceol Mor. I 
>>> would love to but that may have to wait  Interestingly, I’d linked to their 
>>> blog and had been following it. Local Annapolis sailers! Anyway, all our 
>>> talk about moving to a J/42 is a 3-year plan and is completely off the 
>>> table until I get the refit of “Ronin” done. That’s looking like at least 
>>> another year. And honestly, when I’m done we plan on sailing the hell out 
>>> her, ‘cause, well, she is a great boat!
>>> Dave
>>> 1982 C&C 37 - Ronin
>>> Reedville - Chesapeak
>>>> On Jan 2, 2014, at 12:37 PM, Colin Kilgour <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Some cruising friends of mine just completed a circumnavigation in a J/42 
>>>> - with husband, wife and 2 kids aboard.
>>>> Check out their blog to get a sense of how Ceol Mor handled it.  And if 
>>>> you want, I can put you in touch with them directly if you want to really 
>>>> pick their brain on the boat.  They are super nice folks and would know a 
>>>> heluva lot more about the J/42 than any of us do.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Colin
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