
Thanks for the note and I really appreciate any and all suggestions. As a 
matter of fact, I was re-visiting the C&C 121 listings just last night to make 
sure that I wasn’t heading off at high speed on the wrong tack. And I am in 
complete agreement with your take on its sailing and cruising envelope. If I 
were going to spend all my time on the Chesapeake Bay with a couple of short 
off-shore dashes I’d include it at the top my list. But I’m looking for 
extended cruising with a modicum of carrying capacity. Another issue is 
sea-kindliness upwind in heavy’ish weather.

I crewed on my buddy's 115 that he bought in Long Island a couple of years ago 
and delivered back to Annapolis. I loved the boat. We made the absolute fastest 
not-stop run from Kings Point, NY to Annapolis that I have ever done. I don’t 
remember the numbers but is was crazy fast. Fortunately almost all of it was 
beam-reaching and off-wind work. But my same friend decided to take it to Block 
Island for RC duty the year after. That proved to be brutal. Upwind in heavy 
weather. I’m afraid that it is now for sale and he is looking at big Sabres, 
Gran Soleils and the like. And my buddy has been racing off-shore around the 
world for 35+ years and is incredibly tough so it’s a decision that he didn’t 
make lightly.

Also, everyone on the boat was commenting on the quality of glass work, fit and 
finish compared to J Boat offerings

So, yes, if it were spending all or most of our time in the Bay, I would put it 
on the list.

1982 C&C 37 - Ronin
Reedville - Chesapeake Bay

On Jan 2, 2014, at 4:49 PM, wrote:

> For what it's worth, when we bought our 121 this year, it came down to a 
> newer C&C vs. several J's.  For how we sail now - weekends, short cruises, 
> etc the C&C was the right choice.  I'm not sure if it would be my choice for 
> extended cruising (which I have done).  If you know and like the J, I suspect 
> your decision is already made.  You could do far worse.
> John
> Sent from my iPad
> On Jan 2, 2014, at 1:31 PM, Dave Godwin <> wrote:
>> I want to reply to Colin and to Ken Heaton for good suggestions and a very 
>> nice offer. 
>> As far as looking at the later (not Jackett designed and built models) 
>> C&C’s, those are very attractive suggestions but I think that both my wife 
>> and I are headed in a different direction.
>> We've discovered over the years that with just the two of us, dragging a big 
>> 140% jib across the deck isn’t our idea of pleasant anymore. And the way 
>> that we sail is pretty much me soloing with my wife happily knitting in the 
>> cockpit under the dodger. She assists with the tacking, line handling and is 
>> very good about getting me a cold beer if needed. The allure of the J/42 for 
>> both of us is that I can have my “dance space” in the aft end of the cockpit 
>> and still control the jib and more importantly, the main. I’m not fond of 
>> reaching up under the dodger to adjust the main sheet and traveler sheets 
>> when needed. And I tend to trim sails constantly. 
>> So one of the “selling” points for us of the J/42 is the large main and 
>> smaller (sort of…) jib size. We’ve swallowed that point hook, line and 
>> sinker. Whether it’s true is another matter but it seems logical to us. And 
>> a carbon fiber mast! Gotta have one of those. ;-)
>> Another reason that I’m probably not looking at another C&C is going forward 
>> I’d like to avoid boats with liners. I’m not saying that liners are bad or 
>> cheap but I’m just getting back to a complete refit and painting (halted for 
>> the last 4 years…) of “Ronin” and having the liner to deal with has been a 
>> bit of a PITA. It made re-wring the boat a much bigger task for a job that 
>> is time-consuming in any case. Modifications involving cabinetry and 
>> fiberglassing become somewhat more involved. Access is an issue.
>> Which brings me to the Colin’s offer to meet the owners of Ceol Mor. I would 
>> love to but that may have to wait  Interestingly, I’d linked to their blog 
>> and had been following it. Local Annapolis sailers! Anyway, all our talk 
>> about moving to a J/42 is a 3-year plan and is completely off the table 
>> until I get the refit of “Ronin” done. That’s looking like at least another 
>> year. And honestly, when I’m done we plan on sailing the hell out her, 
>> ‘cause, well, she is a great boat!
>> Dave
>> 1982 C&C 37 - Ronin
>> Reedville - Chesapeak
>> On Jan 2, 2014, at 12:37 PM, Colin Kilgour <> wrote:
>>> Some cruising friends of mine just completed a circumnavigation in a J/42 - 
>>> with husband, wife and 2 kids aboard.
>>> Check out their blog to get a sense of how Ceol Mor handled it.  And if you 
>>> want, I can put you in touch with them directly if you want to really pick 
>>> their brain on the boat.  They are super nice folks and would know a heluva 
>>> lot more about the J/42 than any of us do.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Colin
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