I also have one. Also hurts less when dropped on my foot but if it goes overboard I'm not likely to go swimming to retrieve it.
Joel Aronson On Jun 19, 2013, at 5:59 PM, Bob Moriarty <bobmo...@gmail.com> wrote: I have one of these: http://www.westmarine.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_11151_10001_11120_-1?ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=11120&cid=sc_googlepla&device=c&network=g&matchtype=&gclid=COjloYyM8bcCFVIV7AodbB0AuA#.UcImoOfVCSo It floats, it locks, it's red and it doesn't chip the gelcoat when dropped. Bob M Ox 33-1 Jax, FL > > > _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album http://www.cncphotoalbum.com CnC-List@cnc-list.com
_______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album http://www.cncphotoalbum.com CnC-List@cnc-list.com