I love my C&C 30MK 1 1981 just like that one. only mine is all hank on
sails. Mine has a split bow pulpit and a stearn ladder. 2gm 13 hp
yanmar. great boat. points well into the wind. very balanced strong
Good luck. here is a link to mine. I got mine for $2,500.00


On 3/25/13, Dr. Mark Bodnar <drbod...@accesswave.ca> wrote:
> Ha!
> Alright.  I get it!
> Thanks everyone for all the info on the boat.  I will initiate
> discussions with the broker.
> Given the few problems visible in the pictures and the comments from
> listers I'll likely make a lower offer.  See what happens.
> Mark
> ---------------------
>    Dr. Mark Bodnar
> B.Sc., D.C., FCCOPR(C)
> Bedford Chiropractic
> www.bedfordchiro.ca
> ---------------------
> There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
>    - George Santayana
> On 23/03/2013 4:33 PM, Lee Youngblood wrote:
>> Jeeze buy the boat and start sailing!
>>> I tried to upload some photos via email - but they were too big, so
>>> I've loaded all the photos at full resolution into DropBox.
>>> Feel free to take a look and let me know what you think.
>>> https://plus.google.com/photos/110611663409773219866/albums/5858368414427128193?authkey=CKGJ-8HGzvSpJg
>>> Here's the posting on YachtWorld
>>> http://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1979/C%26c-30-Sloop-2526936/Greenport/NY/United-States
>>> -------
>>> The boat looks quite good. Interior looks great - wood clean, chain
>>> plates don't show any obvious sign of water intrusion, nice cushions.
>>> (Closer zoom on one chain plate - looks rough?? Maybe not so good?)
>>> Carpet on sole is a bit odd - it looks from one photo like there is a
>>> teak-holly floor underneath? Maybe in need of re-finishing.
>>> Engine and wiring look good. Engine looks brand new (was apparently
>>> new in 2000).
>>> Roller furler looks ancient. And looks to have a warp high up in the
>>> foil.
>>> Any instruments? I see the radar and the auto pilot - but what about
>>> depth, speed, wind? There is a single box covered next to the
>>> companionway - could that contain all?
>>> Few sections of the outer rail look dinged up - not too bad but will
>>> need a bit of work.
>>> The one section of deck almost looks like its delaminating? Soft? Or
>>> is that just bad surface crazing? Also a "crack" in upper right of
>>> photo.
>>> No sign of jib sheet block tracks - or am I missing something? I'd
>>> expect a boat like this to have them.
>>> Did you see anything concerning that I'm missing? Any specific
>>> questions for broker?
>>> I'm tempted to make an offer on the boat, pending a survey of course.
>>> Thoughts on what kind of offer?
>>> Mark
>>> ---------------------
>>>   Dr. Mark Bodnar
>>> B.Sc., D.C., FCCOPR(C)
>>> Bedford Chiropractic
>>> www.bedfordchiro.ca
>>> ---------------------
>>> There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
>>>   - George Santayana
>>> On 22/03/2013 6:51 PM, Mark Bodnar wrote:
>>>> Just got a message back from the contact on SailNet.
>>>> He went to check out the boat for me today. Uploaded a ton of photos
>>>> apparently (I'll need to get home so I can check them out - I'll
>>>> post a couple if people are interested).
>>>> His comment -
>>>> The boat is really quite nice, actually amazing for a 34 year old boat!
>>>> Barry
>>>> ----
>>>> Sounds encouraging. I'll be looking closely at the photos and will
>>>> have to decide on making an offer.
>>>> Waiting to hear back from insurance broker on insurance cost.
>>>> Of course then I have to decide how much to offer. He's asking
>>>> $15900. Looking at all the avail boats the price is at the low end
>>>> and the appearance/gear etc look excellent. Doubt I can knock a lot
>>>> off the price, but maybe try $14000??? Of course dependent on a
>>>> clear survey inc engine and rigging.
>>>> Mark
>>>> ----------------------
>>>>    Dr. Mark Bodnar
>>>> B.Sc. D.C. FCCPOR(c)
>>>> www.bedfordchiro.ca
>>>> ----------------------
>>>> "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than
>>>> your fear of failure."
>>>> Bill Cosby
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>>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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>>> CnC-List@cnc-list.com
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> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to
change; the realist adjusts the sails.”

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