I tried to upload some photos via email - but they were too big, so I've loaded 
all the photos at full resolution into DropBox.
Feel free to take a look and let me know what you think.


Here's the posting on YachtWorld

The boat looks quite good. Interior looks great - wood clean, chain plates 
don't show any obvious sign of water intrusion, nice cushions.
(Closer zoom on one chain plate - looks rough?? Maybe not so good?)

Carpet on sole is a bit odd - it looks from one photo like there is a 
teak-holly floor underneath? Maybe in need of re-finishing.

Engine and wiring look good. Engine looks brand new (was apparently new in 

Roller furler looks ancient. And looks to have a warp high up in the foil.

Any instruments? I see the radar and the auto pilot - but what about depth, 
speed, wind? There is a single box covered next to the companionway - could 
that contain all?

Few sections of the outer rail look dinged up - not too bad but will need a bit 
of work.
The one section of deck almost looks like its delaminating? Soft? Or is that just bad 
surface crazing? Also a "crack" in upper right of photo.

No sign of jib sheet block tracks - or am I missing something? I'd expect a 
boat like this to have them.

Did you see anything concerning that I'm missing? Any specific questions for 

I'm tempted to make an offer on the boat, pending a survey of course. Thoughts 
on what kind of offer?


  Dr. Mark Bodnar
B.Sc., D.C., FCCOPR(C)
Bedford Chiropractic

There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
  - George Santayana

On 22/03/2013 6:51 PM, Mark Bodnar wrote:
Just got a message back from the contact on SailNet.
He went to check out the boat for me today. Uploaded a ton of photos apparently 
(I'll need to get home so I can check them out - I'll post a couple if people 
are interested).

His comment -
The boat is really quite nice, actually amazing for a 34 year old boat!

Sounds encouraging. I'll be looking closely at the photos and will have to 
decide on making an offer.

Waiting to hear back from insurance broker on insurance cost.

Of course then I have to decide how much to offer. He's asking $15900. Looking 
at all the avail boats the price is at the low end and the appearance/gear etc 
look excellent. Doubt I can knock a lot off the price, but maybe try $14000??? 
Of course dependent on a clear survey inc engine and rigging.


   Dr. Mark Bodnar
B.Sc. D.C. FCCPOR(c)

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear 
of failure.”
Bill Cosby
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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