Nice. That's a lot more wood than mine has and I don't have the anchor locker either.RonWild CheriSTL
--- On Fri, 3/22/13, Dr. Mark Bodnar <> wrote: From: Dr. Mark Bodnar <> Subject: Re: Stus-List C&C 30 To: Date: Friday, March 22, 2013, 10:29 PM I tried to upload some photos via email - but they were too big, so I've loaded all the photos at full resolution into DropBox. Feel free to take a look and let me know what you think. Here's the posting on YachtWorld ------- The boat looks quite good. Interior looks great - wood clean, chain plates don't show any obvious sign of water intrusion, nice cushions. (Closer zoom on one chain plate - looks rough?? Maybe not so good?) Carpet on sole is a bit odd - it looks from one photo like there is a teak-holly floor underneath? Maybe in need of re-finishing. Engine and wiring look good. Engine looks brand new (was apparently new in 2000). Roller furler looks ancient. And looks to have a warp high up in the foil. Any instruments? I see the radar and the auto pilot - but what about depth, speed, wind? There is a single box covered next to the companionway - could that contain all? Few sections of the outer rail look dinged up - not too bad but will need a bit of work. The one section of deck almost looks like its delaminating? Soft? Or is that just bad surface crazing? Also a "crack" in upper right of photo. No sign of jib sheet block tracks - or am I missing something? I'd expect a boat like this to have them. Did you see anything concerning that I'm missing? Any specific questions for broker? I'm tempted to make an offer on the boat, pending a survey of course. Thoughts on what kind of offer? Mark --------------------- Dr. Mark Bodnar B.Sc., D.C., FCCOPR(C) Bedford Chiropractic ---------------------
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