David, pretty much everything's negotiable. But the order to do is:
negotiate before the survey, then make an offer "subject to survey." Don't
use the broker's surveyor. Ask here for a recommendation.
A broker should have a list of what other boats like yours have sold for,
but I doubt the selling broker is the right one to ask.
I would expect to pay less for a boat without instruments and include the
fact that you'll have to install them in the price. Maybe make the price
you pay subject to the dealer getting you a good price on the gear you want.
As for the bottom, you can include a line in the deal that they prepare the
bottom for the coming season, but be specific: ask that sand and spray the
bottom with seven coats of fuschia Exoti-Coat then wet sand and burnish to
7 million grit, or you'll just get a coat of bucket ends rolled on an hour
before launch. Like anything on a boat, it'll just cost more.
negotiate hard. There are lots of boats on the market at the
moment...though I understand that may change once people in NJ start
getting insurance checks.
C&C 40

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 6:10 PM, David Knecht <davidakne...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I am hoping to return to the C&C family this season.  I have a 1990 34+ in
> my sights that I will soon have surveyed etc.  Does one negotiate the price
> and then survey or the other way around?  I am relatively inexperienced
> with the buying process, so looking for tips/suggestions on how to proceed.
>  Does one negotiate the price and then survey or the other way around?  Can
> one find out what similar boats have sold for over the past few years?  The
> boat is owned by the brokerage as it was taken in trade on a new boat and I
> have the impression I can negotiate hard on the price as they want to move
> it.   Are there any specific issues to look out for with the 34+?    Are
> there things I can ask them to do as part of the purchase?  For instance,
> the boat has GPS, but lacks wind/speed instruments.  Can installing that be
> part of the negotiation or does one just figure that kind of thing into the
> ownership cost?  They are not a boat yard, but are associated with one
> nearby.  Also, whose responsibility should it be to get the bottom ready
> for the new season?  Any suggestions welcome.  Thanks- Dave
>  David Knecht
> 50 Farmstead Rd.
> Storrs, CT 06268
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