And you won't ne able to stand up in any of the half dozen. :-) Ed (who paid $3,600 for a C&C 24 on a trailer, all in good shape, 4 years ago)
On Feb 18, 2013, at 9:18 AM, Rich Knowles <> wrote: > Maybe this is someone adhering to the "sucker born every minute" school of > sales. It sure is hard times for selling. > > Rich Knowles > Indigo. LF38 > Halifax > > On 2013-02-18, at 9:58, Colin Kilgour <> wrote: > > I know we've all been shocked at the deflation in used boat prices > recently. If you're a buyer, it's a great market. If you're a > seller, not so much. > > And fairly often you see boat listings from sellers who didn't get the > memo about the price deflation. > > So last night I'm having dinner at the club and on the bulletin board > is an ad for a Mirage 24 (a C&C design). Looks like nice boat with > decent upgrades. Ad doesn't specify the year, but let's assume > mid-70's. > > Asking price.... Wait for it..... $25,000! > > Holy cow!! I can buy half a dozen Mirage 24's for that price and still > have money left over.... > > This must be one special boat... > > Cheers > Colin > > -- > Sent from my mobile device > > _______________________________________________ > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album > > > > _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album