Bigger is Bigger - that is all.  It is not necessarily better.
I have known too many people who have gotten out of sailing altogether
because they moved up to too big a boat - with all its attendant extra
costs, etc ... The cost of a smaller boat that is occasionally used is
much less than that of a large seldom used boat.  In the end the lower
cost often keeps some people sailing longer ... whereas a larger boat's
larger costs end up in an early end to a life of sailing.
my 0.02


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
Ronald B. Frerker
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Used boat prices

It only hurts if you're selling, or moving down in size. 
The answer is to buy a bigger boat right now!
Wild Cheri
C&C 30

--- On Mon, 2/18/13, Colin Kilgour <> wrote:

        From: Colin Kilgour <>
        Subject: Re: Stus-List Used boat prices
        Date: Monday, February 18, 2013, 9:23 AM
        That's true Jack.  On the ad, the guy said he had over $40k in
        boat, which I don't doubt.
        Problem is, we don't care.  At the end of the day, it's still a
        year old, 24 foot boat.
        One day, we're all going to face the same problem... I know I
        On 2/18/13, Jack Brennan <> wrote:
        > I think it's part of the paradox of old boats.
        > Boat stuff is expensive, but sailboats are not. So you can
spend 10K putting
        > a diesel in an old 27-footer ... and still have a 10-15K boat.
A big reason
        > to buy the already-updated boat and not to buy a smaller boat
with the
        > notion of moving up a few years later.
        > A few years ago, I saw a beautifully renovated Bristol 29.9 on
        > ... for 65K. I'm sure the owner had that much into it, but no
29.9 is worth
        > even 25K these days.
        > Jack Brennan
        > Shanachie, 1974 Bristol 30
        > Former C&C 25
        > Fort Lauderdale, Fl.
        > -----Original Message-----
        > From: Colin Kilgour
        > Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 9:36 AM
        > To:
        > Subject: Re: Stus-List Used boat prices
        > I suspect it's more the "my boat is special" phenomenon.
        > Anyway, I just thought it was funny.
        > If any lister is interested in the boat at that price, contact
me off
        > list and I'll sell you my swamp land in Florida, too!
        > Cheers
        > Colin
        > On 2/18/13, Rich Knowles <> wrote:
        >> Maybe this is someone adhering to the "sucker born every
minute" school
        >> of
        >> sales. It sure is hard times for selling.
        >> Rich Knowles
        >> Indigo. LF38
        >> Halifax
        >> On 2013-02-18, at 9:58, Colin Kilgour
<> wrote:
        >> I know we've all been shocked at the deflation in used boat
        >> recently.  If you're a buyer, it's a great market.  If you're
        >> seller, not so much.
        >> And fairly often you see boat listings from sellers who
didn't get the
        >> memo about the price deflation.
        >> So last night I'm having dinner at the club and on the
bulletin board
        >> is an ad for a Mirage 24 (a C&C design). Looks like nice boat
        >> decent upgrades.  Ad doesn't specify the year, but let's
        >> mid-70's.
        >> Asking price.... Wait for it..... $25,000!
        >> Holy cow!! I can buy half a dozen Mirage 24's for that price
and still
        >> have money left over....
        >> This must be one special boat...
        >> Cheers
        >> Colin
        >> --
        >> Sent from my mobile device
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        >> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
        > --
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        > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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